Voice Case Information System at 866-222-8029 is connected to the Bankruptcy Court’s electronic case file system and can be accessed from any touch tone telephone to hear current case information. This is a free service and is available 24- hours a day, 7-days a week.
How to use the Voice Case Information System:
1. Dial 866-222-8029. To hear information in English, press 1. To hear information in Spanish, press 2.
2. Press "611" to access records for the District of Maine. You will be prompted to select one of the following options:
- For information on how to search the system by name, press 1.
- To search by case number, press 2.
- To search by participant name, press 3.
- To search by corporation name, press 4.
- To search by social security number, press 5.
The system may provide the following information about the case:
Bankruptcy cases:
- Case number
- Debtor(s) name(s) and the last 4 numbers of each debtor’s tax identification number
- Debtor disposition method
- Debtor dismissal date
- Joint debtor(s) name(s) and the last 4 numbers of each joint debtor’s tax identification number
- Joint debtor disposition method
- Joint debtor dismissal date
- Case filing date
- Case filed voluntarily or involuntarily
- Filing chapter
- Date case chapter changed, chapter that it was changed from, current case chapter
- Trustee
- Debtor’s attorney or a pro se debtor, contact telephone number
- Judge
- The nature of the debt
- Whether or not assets are reported
- The last day to file a claim, if that day is in the future
- The last day to file a government unit claim, if a last day to file claim is given
- Case status
- Date the debtor discharged
- Date the joint debtor discharged
- Case closed date
- First creditor’s meeting time and place
- Contact name for further case information and contact number
Adversary proceedings:
- Case number
- Plaintiff(s) name(s)
- Defendant(s) name(s)
- Filing date
- Plaintiff is pro se or plaintiff’s attorney, contact number
- Defendant is pro se or defendant’s attorney, contact number
- Judge
- Case status
- Case closed date
- Case disposition
- Contact name for further case information and contact number