Unclaimed funds are funds held by the court for an owner. Unclaimed funds may arise out of a variety of circumstances, including incomplete address information or failure to cash dividend checks from bankruptcy cases.
Review the U.S Courts Unclaimed Funds Locator to see if you are due to receive any funds from this court. If you are due unclaimed funds, please follow the instructions below to submit a claim.
Application for Payment of Unclaimed Funds
Any person or entity who seeks the payment of unclaimed funds must file an “Application for Payment of Unclaimed Funds” as well as other applicable documents. Requirements for documents vary depending on the type of Claimant and whether the Claimant is represented. Instructions for the three most common types of Claimants are listed below.
For purposes of these instructions, the “Claimant” is the party entitled to the unclaimed funds, and the “Applicant” is the party filing the application. The Applicant and Claimant may be the same.
Filing an Application
The completed application containing the original signature of the Claimant/Applicant and all supporting documentation must be mailed to the Court at the following address:
Financial Administrator
U.S. Bankruptcy Court
for the District of Maine
537 Congress Street, 2nd Floor
Portland, ME 04101
If an application for unclaimed funds is approved, either an Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) payment will be made to the bank account listed on the AO 213P form or a check will be mailed to the current address listed on the Application. The time-frame for approval and mailing of the check is usually within four to six weeks of filing the application with the Court.
Categories of Claimants
The three most common types of Claimants are: (I) individual; (II) business; or (III) funds locator. Select the type of Claimant you are and complete the documentation listed below required for that type of Claimant. If there are joint Claimants, then supporting documentation must be provided for both Claimants.
If you do not fall into one of these three types of Claimants, please contact the Financial Administrator at 207.274.5966 for instructions regarding what documentation is needed for your unclaimed funds application.
I. Individual
An individual may be entitled to the unclaimed funds if the Claimant files the following documentation:
□ Completed Application for Payment of Unclaimed Funds (Form 1340) with a notarized signature of the Claimant (incorporated in application);
□ Completed AO 213P;
□ Proof of identity of the Claimant (e.g., photocopy of current driver’s license, other state-issued identification card, or U.S. passport that includes current address); and
□ A Certificate of Service showing that the applicant sent a copy of the application and all supporting documents to the:
United States Attorney
District of Maine
100 Middle Street, East Tower, 6th Floor
Portland, ME 04101
II. Business Entity
A business entity may be entitled to the unclaimed funds if the Claimant files the following documentation:
□ Completed Application for Payment of Unclaimed Funds (Form 1340) with a notarized signature of an authorized representative of the business entity;
□ Completed AO 213P;
□ A notarized statement providing the signing officer or signing representative's authority to collect the funds;
□ Proof of identity of the signing representative (e.g., photocopy of current driver’s license, other state-issued identification card, or U.S. passport that includes current address);
□ Proposed Order for payment of unclaimed funds; and
□ A Certificate of Service showing that the applicant sent a copy of the application and all supporting documents to the:
United States Attorney
District of Maine
100 Middle Street, East Tower, 6th Floor
Portland, ME 04101
III. Successor Claimant
A successor Claimant may be entitled to the unclaimed funds as a result of assignment, purchase, merger, acquisition, succession or by other means. If the Claimant is a successor to the original Owner of Record, the following documentation is required:
□ Completed Application for Payment of Unclaimed Funds (Form 1340) with a notarized signature of the Claimant (incorporated in application);
□ Completed AO 213P;
□ Documentation sufficient to establish chain of ownership or the transfer of claim from the original Owner of Record. Signatures on transfer documentation shall be notarized;
□ Proof of identity of the successor Claimant (e.g., unredacted photocopy of current driver’s license, other state-issued identification card, or U.S. passport that includes current address); and
□ A certificate of service showing that the Claimant sent a copy of the application and all supporting documents to:
United States Attorney
District of Maine
100 Middle Street, East Tower, 6th Floor
Portland, ME 04101
Related Links:
Application for Unclaimed Funds(Form 1340)
Sample Order for Unclaimed Funds
AO 213P Request for Payee Information and Tin Certification (updated 09/19) Form